Thursday, October 04, 2007

Mutual Encouragement

Remind us of what is important
Link lay and monastic training
Spiritual encouragement

This is what one reader came up with when asked about what she saw as being offered here. My purpose in asking was to get a sense of the balance of articles and where it would be good to make adjustments.

What is not mentioned in the list is links to films. Here's one to be going along with. The Year of the Dog it shows promises. Maybe a candidate for a Dharmaflix review. It's a film about what it means to devote yourself to something other than your fears and desires, to shed that hard, durable shell called selfishness. It is, rather remarkably, an inquiry into empathy as a state of grace. And if that sounds too rarefied for laughs, rest assured, it's also about a stone-cold beautiful freak.

Thanks Angie for the feed-back and Mike in Edmonton for the link to the film.

I look at that list above and think, Yep, that's what this blog offers me! Thanks folks, all of you, for your kind support and encouragement to keep on writing.