Sunday, November 25, 2007

Palpable Disquiet

Nearly all the retreat guests have gone. We had a good retreat together and I was glad and happy to be talking about Buddhism, practice and the Precepts. Somewhere in there during the week-end we talked about karmic consequence and how one can recognize negative consequences by a palpable disquiet experienced within ones body and mind. One blog reader who appreciates words and their use was taken with these two words so I thought I'd share them with you all.

There were a few Mountains readers here. It was a delight to meet those known to me already as well as those who mentioned being a regular here who I didn't know about. I'm generally amazed that real live people read this and even get something out of it that's useful too. There may well be a few more checking in following the retreat. Welcome if you are one of them.

Iain over in Japan, who set up this blog for me initially, writes about the third anniversary of his fathers death, which is today.